Brio: The Happy Virus. Trapped in an ice-cocoon that orbited Marmellia for over 4 billion years, it was finally released by the Terra-Togas. When they became aware of its value they were tempted to harness its power for the progress of their own race, but when they found out about Mother Earth and how dysfunctional her human children had become, they decided she probably needed it more than they did. They self-lessly blasted it across the galaxy in hopes it would reach its target, a young talented Bass Shaman and Healer- Jaybird Dynomite in hopes that he could produce its energy through a form of music translation only captured in the richest depth dream-heart transcendence method that came naturally for him. The only drawback, so much of the dark matter of human energy congested Gaia's atmosphere, that the Happy Virus was incapable of breaking the ozone layer. The only possible solution; for the only intelligent and loving humans left to send their own dream-heart energy blasts into the firmament to release BRIO. If successful, they would not only save the human race, but go on to save the UNIVERSE~
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