STOP FIGHTING! WAR? WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN. We have so much intellect, brilliant creative minds, and access to each other instantly, answers, new ideas, new food and medicine, technology that is healing the Planet.
AI that is hyper-driving us into a kinetic marble of good people, tribes, families, community, diversity. Any act of harm or violence toward each other terminates religious clout or validity, mutes the message of prophets or patriarchs, nullifies your religious efforts. All religious cultures are drenched in centuries of blood, genocide, war, animosity... Like broken records.
Fear, Hatred, Ignorant disregard for oneself ones children who are watching, some hiding in terror, this is not The Way. Whatever religion or spiritual light you believe in couldn't maim or murder so industrially, so nefariously, horrifically and call itself the voice of Purpose, the voice of Life,, the voice of the Universe, the voice of a heaven.
We are living particles of God, so our feverish search outward always wears us thin projecting our image, our perception, our psychosomatic rage against another's different God or picture, destroying each other on battlefields about it. When the Child or True Prophet Old and Wise, content and blissful under a fig tree knows it is inside and the very essence of us. Simple. We are. I am. Making God an industry or political is the thread that weaves pain, evil, war, unrest. Rivalry
Earth is our Mother. She is going to take matters into her own hands, because we keep forgetting her. She already has.
Grow up and Stop fighting! Show your children how to love and communicate. They cherish your role and guidance, and your moments of heroism, even if you can't detect any trace of it, as they stare at their phones. But they can see and, hear you. Treat them kindly. It hurts to be yelled at or belted viciously or misunderstood by their Superhero, YOU. Even the worst kids want to make their teachers and parents proud, so their pain and struggle intensifies when they really do try, and come up short. They are listening.
Love thy family, love thy neighbor with all your heart. ❤️
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