Shooting the first BRIO music video this weekend. I have selected a choice crew to execute this monumental piece. It's just the beginning. I get a lot of hard knocks from critics of my works, but what jealous and bully critics need to realize is that Rome wasn't built in a day. Some of the greatest artists and musicians took years to develop, and a lot of passion and unknown life challenges were at their heels the entire time. As artists we are constantly seeking reincarnation. New births of all our expressions on a constant basis. But without experience, or just trying, we don't have a chance to go anywhere with it. So those of you who are self-conscious about your work, and exposing it to bullies and critics, take my advice- do it ANYWAY! Art and music may seem narcissistic, but it is a self-less act. We are trying to share our perspective on life-emotions and experiences because it tells our story, and our stories are important! They are what makes us timeless as a specie, and they create windows for future generations to understand the human saga. So just keep moving and grooving folks. Roll with it. Don't be afraid to try new things. Don't be afraid to be yourself, in a world that is trying to make you something else. We are all unique, and we all have a story. Get out there and express it! What's the best way to stand up to a bully anyway? Punch the bastard in the face like George McFly! Get your work out there, and let it do its thing! (Oh and here is a picture of me with my spiritual healer: Renee Adora Sarasvati) Footnote: Find yourself some spiritual nourishment. If you are a musician or an artist, your soul is your most valuable asset. Figure out new ways to use it! ~Love Jaybird Dynomite


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