My latest project is the ultimate rush, and ultimate bummer at the same time. I hate trying to convince people to give me their hard earned money. But this project is worth it. I have new songs coming this February, so stay tuned for that. I'm excited to get back in the studio and do some work. A lot of magic happens in there. Now if I can get this campaign to catch fire, I will be able to create some serious magic, and give it back to all the people who have helped me on this journey. This has been a twenty-year saga, with all the trimmings and nuance of Spinal Tap, and operas alike. Some people who pushed me here are now dead. Band members have run off with wives. But I am not dead yet, which means I have to keep forging to the finish line. My name is Jaybird Dynomite and I'm a powerful, inspiring, spiritual man. With my gifts, I am creating a more wonderful, meaningful, and musical world. Got to: the Universe to help. Rocket Sauce baby!!


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