"The Birds of Abetz" is a short story that was created with the extraction of the bird chapters woven throughout the "Not So Nazis" series. Sixteen-year-old, Gunter Abetz, sends his pigeons on a Hail-Mary to Waterloo and Frankfurt in an attempt to notify his family, and friends of the resistance, that they are going to engage a desertion from the Reich. The birds took on a more spiritual role than we anticipated in this series and often symbolize an interesting perspective of Man Vs. Nature,as these simple creatures are not cognizant of the horrors of war, but continue to carry out duties as if they were trained soldiers. The adventure of "Romeo" the pigeon, who becomes injured en-route to the recipient, is forced to walk to Waterloo, while his unusual protector "Gus" the trained falcon, goes to great lengths to keep the pigeon alive. This story will not be available on eBook, but we will be giving it away for free in "Recycled Paper Print" to accompany our Go Green campaign. We will also be giving away a C.D. that includes the song: "The Birds of Abetz" written by myself, and Jawnben Deviant of "Stones & Stars" Many of these items will be given away at our Launch Party on May 17th at Alleged Night Club in Ogden, UT 201 Historic 25th St 84401. Come join us this evening for a great celebration. Proceeds from eBooks go to: Holocaust Educational Trust.


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