Pollution Evolution?

Here we are at the doorway to summer. Many great seeds have been planted, and many great things have been fertilized. The earth is blossoming again with life, only to wake up to a filthy sewer vein billowing into her natural blue body. I really like the recent BP oil fiasco myself. I'm sure the watchdog groups are polishing the megaphones for a long-winded environmental 2010 rally. It's about time. We need to get ready for a big shift. Bio-fuels and Solar Batteries are ready to power the flying cars and hovering cities of our future world. We have had the technology for decades, and I'm afraid our Big Oil Tycoons are going to have to start sharing their wealth with the rest of the planet, and deal with a healthier outlook.
I wasn't much for the anti-tobacco campaigns I'll admit. It felt condescending in so many ways, and even though I didn't smoke my retort was simply, "Let the bastards smoke if they want. It is just as obnoxious of a habit going around badgering people about your expectations. Go find something to do."
My concsious-living awareness has converted with the clean air acts and now I really appreciate taking a bite of pancakes at Denny's knowing I don't have to inhale a carton of cigarettes from the table next to me.
Well Big Oil, I'm afraid it is time for people just like me and my premature clean air act ignorance- to start stepping up to give you the bad news. We are ready for change. And if you aren't capable of giving it to us, then your robust and escessive salaries are about to take a hit.
It also baffles me that I have not been very pro-active about our environment until now. I've done my part. I was a boy scout. I try to treat Mother Nature with the utmost respect. Now I am becoming aware of Mother Nature's cries of distress. I realize if I don't do something, my grandchildren are going to be eating their dinner on an island of shit, surrounded by a sea of Texas Tea.
I'm jumping in this game for the first time ever. If that means just raising awareness through my music or novels- so be it! It's time for me to actually do something.
I love this planet. She is a great provider. It is the least I can do. There's got to be something you can do to. Think about it.
Stay tuned.
~Jaybird Dynomite
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