Stand up for something- Each Other-On both Sides of the Thinking Hemisphere
How Contemporary Art Lives and Sings in our Universe
The 21st Century Enter-into-the-Intunement
Mother Science
By Jay Dynomite
*Title Footnote Below
I have been a student of art and music my entire life. Its definitions- as easy to give purpose and cognizant acceptance to as the ethereal realm sound and color exist on, which in its most profound state of reflection, as far as we know, is simply infinite. But if I had to explain it quickly, it is mostly just those elements in our 3rd dimension and senses beyond; sound, light, color, negative and opposite space.
The more an artist becomes familiar with his/her choice of medium, they begin to realize that learning the secrets and possibilities of art and music never sieze, once the positive and negative space are aware of each other.
There is really no graduate of its utilization or anyone that possesses accolades to convince me all the art and music to represent mankind’s emotional experience or at least the expressions we can mimic in our solar or peripheral vision of the Universe, have been ultimately explored and claimed.
What that means to a culture and modern society, and especially to the individual artist or striving musician in the 21st century, is that there is without a doubt astronomically HUGE canvases towering about the mortal and spiritual planes to be engraved upon, and our roles are far more important than narcissistic self-gratitude alone can entail.
I often make the suggestion to artists and also non-artistically interested folk that if you think musically; Rock, Electronic, or Industrial compositions- even jazz, any kind of music or art created since 1945 has filled the kettle for human evolution; and that “The Beatles” and “Zeppelin” have covered it all- guess again!
Consider “Pachabel Canon in D”.
That singular hit was written in or around late 1680-17th Century, and it is easily the most recognized global melody and multi-century billboard chart topper since that time, as you would recognize it as the “Wedding March” at most modern society weddings.
You would have to assume the composer was extremely humble and not convinced of his own artistic validity at the time, maybe in a lull like we are today, or political forces surrounding him and vexing himy, maybe forces similar to what the artists are not in favor of today, nor must he have considered himself the creator of a 400 year old melodic world phenomenon, because typically no one knows what the name of the piece is- if you ask them, or that it was written by a man named Johann Pachabel.
There is some strange under-rated, under-respected violations going on here, but proves much of my point, if you place it in that respect, and yet, also a timeless, clever, brilliant and creative anomaly that the composer didn’t need to embellish as a world moving expression- he had yet to finish a number or lost several of the pages before he was able to submit it for the wedding it was originally written for.
None-the-less, there is room to think, and feel, and create, and ask questions, and accept and not-accept, and let go and not let go, and fight and heal, and reach and evolve and improve and understand the new precipice of our fascinatingly multi-talented and diverse human earth tribe quest together at present.
We need to perpetually engage in expression to stitch the gaps of new human frontiers of growth that our children rely on, especially now, when history and culture is being offered as a side-dish.
That is not just the purpose and duty of the artist, but all of us, as living enigmas equally learning, and I insist that we continue to lift each other up using it now as a great part of the planet and goodness in our cultures has easily recognized its value. Both sides of the thinking hemispheres. Remember: If you are too far left, or right- you are 'Out of Balance'. Be a miracle maker. Stand-up for something. Especially the future, especially your children.
Jay Dynomite
The "Anti-Armageddon-Anti-Apocalypse" Preacher
*Also Latin Root(Entertainment) “TO Enter into Atonement [Intunement]
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