Happy Progressive Choice Making in the New Year

I'm glad this decade is basically over! What a strange transition of human conciousness. It's time for all the good people to resurface now. We will see a radical spawn of new talent, and music. More great medical advancement, and space travel. Hopefully- Education, but I'm not holding my breath. Plenty of great things to come, and great people evolving. Now if we can just stop everyone from beefing up this end of the world scenario we can all move on. As you know I am (ANTI- APOCOLYPSE) I'm all for non-genocide-suicide. I am pro-life and I believe in a positive future for our race. The New Renaissance has definitely begun. We are attracting a more powerful need and neccessity for transitic spiritual conciousness. Having said that, I hope you all have a safe and rockin New Year's Eve. I would encourage everyone to pick up a copy of Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" A lot of spiritual self-help books deliberate endless techniques on how to change your "Life Situation" Alas, I feel that some of these are making too much emphasis on self-indulgence. "The Power of Now" does an outstanding job of enhancing your mental and spiritual clarity. It's almost like yoga for the mind, but you find that there is no exerting technique to it at all. You can trust your feelings more than your thoughts. In fact it is your thoughts that are creating the problem. The ego-self is dominating your presence, and by releasing this it turns out that it is as simple as setting down a heavy bag of concrete. The transition happens so easy, and it is so profound when you realize how simple it is to be "YOU" the insight in Tolle's work is priceless. If you have any connection to Taoism, you will really like this book, and find something new and spiritually awakening every time. Well, good luck everyone. I Wish you all well. See you all in the new year!


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