(A PEP RALLY FOR DREAMERS AN DOERS by Jay Dynomite) Art Warriors and Prophetic Music Creating Soldiers Up-Lifters, and New Media Magic Manifestors, we continue are mental and creative pilgrimage, forging our way through a society that has its mission statement printed on a fake certificate downloaded from legal zoom, and scotch taped to the Walmart employee break room bulletins across the land.There are occasions where you take in a river of negative influx and even tones of resentment iced over with violent temperaments about who you are, and the self-narcissistic attitude that your deep rooted purpose represents or appears to them (Although Artists and Inspiring Expressionists know we Are nothing more than messengers from the past, present, and future sharing the Agony and Ecstasy of this Cosmic physical voyage on Planet Earth. The one we have to share with multitudes that rely on our work and purposes. Their water-logged rhetoric is a mental slave message burning and crackling with ego brain software, as they over-hear your passionate stories at water coolers or in stock rooms or call centers, or Hot Dog on A Sticks. from Seattle to New York. These are the moments where you need to learn skills in astral projection. I'm not saying you should walk out on steady employment, though these capitalists have learned how to make undisclosed amounts of money off your assessed misfortunes, insurance from your employment, should you die, and they have written in how to claim you as a million dollar asset, and the banks of course have rigged their illustrious ocean of currency so that they can use your money and homes and charge you for it, even evict you and take the home you built with your bare hands as a way of saying thank you for letting us use your money with our friends on Wall street, oh by the way, can you park my car in your garage for me, and get lost? Have you thought one of signing up for one of our business lines of credit, so we can take more of your money, and threaten you with notices? Though the game is definitely rigged and Trump and his Republicans are salivating at the chance to rig that Monopoly beast some more, your only other realistic option, if you are in this realm of low income, is to have no steady income at all, and that makes it hard to feed your children. So this manifesto is not to hard charge your negativity about our current un-evolved society, but to remind you that as long as that fire is still burning in your souls, and in your chests, you can find spaces in your life and regiment to allow the inspiration to pour in! And as a "From Scratch" music, fiction novel, and film making savant can tell you, those spaces are there, and they are waiting for you to plant seeds of love, triumph tragedy even hate, though I recommend using that one more if you are advanced in Art and Media and will not endorse bigotry, racism, or anything that encourages hurting conscious living creatures for the purpose of neutralizing your own insecurities. The point is, we are up against the trenches of a global society that holds our work in less regards to territorial land wars, religious domination, and George Orwell's early predictions of the society we are literally and most obviously swimming in each day, and in each breath. Your life has a purpose, wether you are an believe it or not. Help us, help you, and we will do everything in our power to make this particular quest one that is filled with contributing dreamers and creators that savor moments for you personally, do what they can to prolong human integrity, and fight for the right to carry on American and Global expression that defends educational liberty, artistic light voyages, and successful harmonies brought together to relay the messages of the cosmos. ~Love Jay Jay


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